Is Mountain Dew Vegan? Find Out What's Really in Your Soft Drink

Written by John Karrigan in Food

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As an advocate of veganism, it is vitally important that one understands what constitutes their food and beverages. Many assume that soda drinks are free from animal products; however, vegans across the world question its composition to ascertain if they really support animal rights. Take Mountain Dew for instance; an iconic carbonated soft drink which has thrilled American tastebuds since 1940 but which some vegans view with caution due to animal testing; one question remains unanswered by vegans worldwide: Is Mountain Dew beneficial or harmful towards animal life?

We shall explore the ingredients found in Mountain Dew to provide an authoritative answer to this vital query, while uncovering other pressing issues like its ecological sustainability and ethical production practices. As an added benefit, we shall suggest vegan-friendly drink alternatives which satisfy even the most discriminating palates.

No matter your position on Veganism or inquisitive about its components, this analysis should prove insightful to all. Let us embark on this adventure together to answer the age-old question: is Mountain Dew compatible with Vegan ethos?

I. What is Mountain Dew?

Mountain Dew is a legendary citrus-flavored soda beverage known for its distinct green-yellow hue. Created by Tip Corporation in 1940 as a mixer for whiskey, Mountain Dew quickly become a beloved classic among consumers as a standalone offering.

This remarkable yet intriguing beverage has gained global fame, and comes in various forms such as regular, diet and code red varieties. The name comes from Tennessee Moonshine which has its origins deep within the Appalachian Mountains.

Mountain Dew has undergone various transformations over time, adapting itself to meet consumer tastes while keeping its trademark flavor and green-yellow hue. Mountain Dew stands out from competitors by featuring sweeter flavor profiles with a refreshing yet sharp tang that sets it mountain dew vegan

Mountain Dew's immense popularity can be attributed to its distinct flavor and widespread availability; available at convenience stores, supermarkets and fast-food establishments alike for added convenience. Yet many remain curious whether Mountain Dew would appeal to vegans?

To understand its secrets, we must thoroughly study its ingredients. With our magnifying glass we will examine each component for potential animal-derived ingredients that could compromise Mountain Dew's vegan status.

"Mountain Dew stands out from competitors by featuring sweeter flavor profiles with a refreshing yet sharp tang that sets it apart."

II. Ingredients in Mountain Dew

Assuming you want to determine whether Mountain Dew beverage drink is vegan-friendly or not, the first step towards discovering that is to check its label for non-vegan ingredients.

According to PepsiCo's official website, various substances within Mountain Dew drinks were listed such as:

  • carbonated water
  • high fructose corn syrup
  • concentrated orange juice
  • citric acid
  • natural flavors
  • sodium benzoate (preserves freshness)
  • caffeine
  • sodium citrate erythorbic acid preservative (preserves freshness)
  • gum arabic

High fructose corn syrup in particular tends to raise concerns among vegan advocates, and this is understandable given the environmental impacts that come from its extraction process and production using genetically modified cornstarch that leaves vegan advocates feeling beleaguered.

Mountain Dew does a poor job of explaining its "natural flavor", providing no concrete definition as to what may or may not lie within.

Animals, plants and chemical reactions could all fall under this vague term; vegans might claim otherwise but without evidence to back this theory up it would be wise for any consumer who suspects something amiss to contact the producer directly for mountain dew vegan

As I explored further into the ingredient list, it seems gum arabic may be found in many soda varieties; its purpose being an emulsifier that keeps ingredients from separating and keeping their texture consistent. While this ingredient comes from sap of Acacia Senegal trees in Africa rather than animals being involved, its production can cause deforestation which could cause alarm for vegans.

Examining an ingredient list on any product is integral to understanding its overall composition, and Mountain Dew may present no exception.

While its ingredients might seem innocuous enough at first glance, given that its formulation uses natural flavorings and high fructose corn syrup, vegans should investigate further whether or not this beverage drink can meet vegan standards.

More on Mountain Dew ingredients at Mountain Dew Wiki.

III. Is Mountain Dew Vegan-Friendly?

Mountain Dew's vegan status has long been debated among vegans. According to its ingredients list, Mountain Dew can generally be considered vegan-friendly as it doesn't contain any animal-derived ingredients. However, it's essential to keep in mind that this beverage contains high fructose corn syrup and natural flavors - two ingredients many vegans may avoid due to health or ethical considerations. The authenticity of natural flavors from their source remains unclear, with no conclusive proof to suggest animal derivatives are present. Still, this possibility should be taken into consideration depending on where these natural flavors originate and whether or not their source may contain such compounds.

Complicating matters further is that some vegans may view high fructose corn syrup as being incompatible with veganism because of ethical or environmental impacts, while others object to natural flavors regardless of where their source lies (even though many ingredients found within come from plants). Therefore, in light of all this uncertainty and complexity surrounding vegan food products, the best approach would be for each consumer to make an informed decision using their discretion while considering all ingredients with careful mountain dew vegan

At the core, it boils down to personal choice when it comes to natural flavors and high fructose corn syrup consumption. Vegans looking to limit such ingredients could explore alternative soda options available on the market; many manufacturers now provide vegan-friendly soda with organic ingredients with reduced environmental impacts that allow them to enjoy a beverage they still remain true to their principles while doing so.

Although Mountain Dew may appear vegan-friendly from its ingredients list, its true vegan-friendliness remains subject to much debate among vegans - and with good reason. Luckily, however, vegan-friendly soda options abound which allow vegans to quench their thirst without betraying their values or jeopardizing their health - so ultimately the decision lies with you! So whether to drink Mountain Dew is yours alone.

Visit to learn more about Mountain Dew's vegan friendliness.

IV. I Vegan-Friendly Soda Alternatives

Vegans who have resolved not to indulge in Mountain Dew due to concerns regarding natural flavors and high fructose corn syrup will find comfort in knowing there are numerous vegan-friendly soda alternatives on the market that may satisfy their soda cravings. Join me in discovering all these options available now.


Made using natural sweetener extracted from exotic stevia plants derived from leaf extracts extracted by Zevia as natural sweetener; an ideal plant-based soda choice for veggie enthusiasts.

Blue Sky soda

This exclusive soda brand is known for producing organic, non-GMO and vegan-friendly products with all natural flavors to satisfy every palette. Their all-natural offerings range in variety, providing something suitable for every individual preference.

Jones Soda

Jones stands out by using natural flavors without high fructose corn syrup in their vegan-friendly soda options, boasting exquisite blends of herbaceous and floral extracts to leave your tastebuds mountain dew vegan


Their exquisite soda elixirs combine natural flavors, spices and sweeteners with exotically distinctive tastes to produce intense and exotically distinctive tastes that will keep you coming back for more.


Fentimans has released a variety of vegan-friendly sodas crafted with natural botanicals and exotic spices such as elderflower, rose petals and ginger to offer customers with more adventurous palates an exceptional and uninhibited new experience.

Making informed choices based on ethical and health considerations when selecting their desired soda beverage. With customer reviews and label inspection available at their fingertips, soda lovers are assured of finding plenty of vegan-friendly options which provide equal levels of satisfaction and refreshment.


In conclusion, it's always wise to carefully inspect ingredients when choosing food and beverages to fit with your lifestyle choices. As the debate surrounding Mountain Dew's vegan-friendliness continues within the vegan community, it has become clear that its suitability for consumption may not be so clear-cut as was once believed. While Mountain Dew may not contain animal products directly, its use of natural flavors and high fructose corn syrup has caused controversy within certain vegan communities.

But fear not - there are many vegan-friendly soda alternatives out there to quench even your most insatiable thirst! Don't forget that choosing a vegan-friendly soda isn't only a choice made for conscience reasons but also your palate! With their wide range of botanical blends and original flavors, vegan-friendly sodas offer an appealing and refreshing alternative to the same old beverages.

Which vegan-friendly soda to pick depends entirely upon personal beliefs and values; research thoroughly and make an informed decision that adheres to these. Don't forget those all-important vegan-friendly labels!

No matter which side of the vegan-friendly soda spectrum you fall on, moderation remains key. By opting for vegan-friendly alternatives, not only are you supporting animal welfare but also sustainable and ethical production practices - not to mention refreshing taste buds with unique vegan-friendly soda flavors while staying true to your vegan lifestyle!

Don't worry: with just a bit of extra research you can rest easy knowing you are drinking vegan-friendly drinks that suit both taste, ethics and health - hooray for that!


John Karrigan

As an animal rights and vegan activist, I dedicate my time to raising awareness about the advantages of a plant-based lifestyle. Through my blog, I hope to motivate and educate others on why adopting a vegan diet is so beneficial for our planet, animals, as well as personal health.