Satisfy Your Pizza Cravings with These Vegan-Friendly Options

Written by John Karrigan in Food

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Pizza has become one of the world's most beloved foods. Whether it's a late night snack or quick meal for the workday, pizza has become an everyday go-to for many. But what about vegans? Can they enjoy this cheesy, saucy delicacy too? The answer is a resounding yes! In this blog post, we'll answer the question "Can vegans eat pizza?" and provide you with all of the resources necessary to make delicious vegan pizzas.

No matter your level of veganism or whether you are just beginning your journey, this post has all the information necessary for successful plant-based dining. From vegan pizza options and preparation tips, to what ingredients go into it and more, you'll have all you need for delicious vegan pizza. With vegan doughs, vegan cheese, and toppings at your disposal, it's now easier than ever to satisfy your pizza cravings without compromising on ethical principles.

Plus, since not all pizza places offer vegan options, we'll give you tips for finding vegan-friendly pizzerias and customizing your order for maximum taste buds! Scroll on for some mouthwatering vegan pizza ideas sure to leave you with lasting memories!

I. Veganizing Your Pizza

Pizzas often contain animal products and cheese that aren't vegan-friendly. But with some creativity, you can easily make a vegan version of this beloved food. In this section, we'll look at vegan-friendly options for each component of pizza: the dough, sauce, and toppings.

A. Vegan Dough Alternatives

Pizza dough is the foundation of pizza, so finding a vegan-friendly recipe is important. Almond milk dough works great as an option as it substitutes traditional eggs and milk with almond milk for vegan goodness and an irresistibly nutty taste. Flax eggs also make great egg substitutes; simply mix ground flaxseeds with water to form a gel-like substance that can bind ingredients together in dough recipes.

If you opt for pre-made dough, be sure to read the ingredients list carefully. Some store-bought options may contain animal-based additives like eggs or milk powder. There are also vegan-friendly dough options available in stores or online; just be sure to look for those key vegan indicators on labels.

B. Tomato Sauce Options

Tomato sauce is the second essential component of pizza, and most are vegan-friendly. But it's always important to check the label to make sure all ingredients are plant-based. If you want to make your sauce from scratch, fresh tomatoes, herbs, and spices work great - simply grab some garlic, basil, oregano then mix in crushed tomatoes! This simple step can save you money in the long run by eliminating canned sauce from your grocery cart!

C. Vegan Cheese Substitutes

One of the biggest challenges when vegan pizza comes to cheese substitutes is finding something that tastes and melts like real cheese. Thankfully, there are now many options available in most grocery stores; Daiya, Violife, and Follow Your Heart are popular vegan cheese brands that come in multiple flavors such as mozzarella, cheddar and provolone; you may even find artisan vegan cheese like Miyoko's Creamery now! Note that not all vegan cheese alternatives melt or taste the same so it's worth trying different brands until you find one you enjoy best.

D. Vegan Meat Substitutes

If you're partial to some meaty toppings on your pizza, there are plenty of vegan meat alternatives available on the market. Brands like Beyond Meat, Gardein and Tofurky provide plant-based alternatives to traditional meats like sausage, pepperoni, and chicken. One popular vegan meat alternative is jackfruit; its meaty yet slightly sweet taste pairs well with bold spices and sauces.

E. Fruit as a Topping

Fruit is an ideal topping choice for pizza enthusiasts looking to add something different. Pineapple has long been a traditional Hawaiian pizza topping, while other fruits like mango or figs can add sweetness and tartness to your pizza. Furthermore, adding fruits to pizza helps boost your veggie intake as well as provide additional nutrients. This healthy addition to pizza makes it the perfect way to round out your meal!

Can vegans eat pizza?

In conclusion, by substituting non-vegan components with vegan-friendly options, you can easily create an irresistible vegan pizza. Whether making it at home, ordering from a vegan-friendly restaurant or customizing at a non-vegan pizzeria, you can still savor this traditional food as a vegan. In the next section we'll provide some tips on finding vegan pizza options - stay tuned!

II. Discovering Vegan Pizza Options

Are you searching for vegan pizza options? Look no further!

Though creating vegan pizza at home is easy, finding vegan-friendly options at pizzerias or restaurants can be more difficult. But as plant-based eating has gained momentum, more pizza places are now providing vegan-friendly choices. In this section, we'll offer some tips for finding these options as well as customization ideas.

Researching Vegan Pizzerias

One of the best ways to locate vegan-friendly pizza options in your area is by researching pizzerias nearby. A simple Google search may reveal many establishments that provide vegan pizza choices, while local vegan groups on social media and websites share information on vegan-friendly establishments as well. With some diligence, you might just stumble across some hidden gems serving delicious vegan dishes!

Customizing Your Order

If you can't find a vegan-friendly pizzeria near you, don't despair! Many non-vegan pizzerias now offer vegan toppings or may be willing to make your pizza without cheese or meat if asked. Many pizzerias now have online menus which list vegan-friendly options; if not, call ahead and explain your dietary restrictions.

Verifying Ingredients

Even if you find vegan options or customize your order, it's still essential to double-check the ingredients. Some pizzerias may use animal-based oils in their cooking or add non-vegan flavoring to their sauce; be sure to ask about all of them so you know which options are truly vegan.

Vegan Pizza Delivery

In recent years, many pizza delivery chains have started providing vegan-friendly crusts and sauce, as well as meat and cheese alternatives. Now you can enjoy your favorite pizza from the convenience of your own home with vegan delivery options available from chains like Pizza Hut, Domino's, and Papa John's.

Other Options

Other restaurants offering pizza may have vegan options on their menu depending on where you go. Italian restaurants and casual chains like California Pizza Kitchen and Mellow Mushroom often provide a range of vegan dishes, including vegan pizza. If unsure what's suitable for you, don't be afraid to ask the staff for assistance; you'll likely be pleasantly surprised at their willingness to accommodate.

In conclusion, whether ordering pizza from a vegan-friendly restaurant or customizing your order at a non-vegan pizzeria, there are plenty of options available for vegan pizza lovers. With some research, you're sure to find delicious vegan pizza options that suit your palate perfectly. In the next section, we'll cover other considerations when enjoying vegan pizza so that you can savor this delectable food to the fullest.

III. Other Considerations for Vegan Pizza

Vegan pizza is an excellent alternative to traditional pizza, but there are still a few things you should keep in mind to guarantee it's 100% vegan. In this section, we'll go over some other considerations that should be taken when ordering or making your pizza.

A. Avoid Animal-Based Oils and Toppings

Can vegans eat pizza?

Some pizzerias may use animal-based oils in their cooking process, so it's always wise to inquire about the ingredients. Furthermore, not all vegan toppings are created equal; some vegan pepperoni or sausage substitutes may contain trace amounts of animal products; thus, reading labels carefully or asking staff members for more details is the best practice for guaranteeing your pizza is truly vegan-friendly. By being aware of what goes into each item on your pizza plate, you can ensure it meets all vegan standards.

B. Be Mindful of Nutritional Content

Vegan pizza may offer some health benefits over traditional options, but it's still important to be mindful of its nutritional composition. Some vegan cheese alternatives may be high in fat or salt; however, there are plenty of excellent vegan cheese substitutes on the market that taste great and provide essential nutrition. When selecting toppings for your pizza - like vegetables, fruits, nuts or legumes - opt for whole-food plant-based items like vegetables, fruits nuts and legumes which will increase nutritional value while decreasing unhealthy calories.

C. Enjoy Vegan Pizza Moderation

As with all food, vegan pizza should be enjoyed in moderation. No matter how delicious your pizza may be, ingestion of large quantities could still have detrimental effects on your health. By maintaining a balanced and varied diet with enough vitamins and minerals as well as exercising moderation and portion control when enjoying vegan pizza, you can include it into an overall healthy lifestyle.

In conclusion, vegan pizza can be a tasty alternative to traditional pizza, but you should take other factors into account for the most enjoyment. By avoiding animal-based oils and unhealthy toppings, being aware of its nutritional content, and enjoying it in moderation - you can feel confident adding vegan pizza into your healthy plant-based diet with peace of mind.

In the following section, we'll offer some delectable vegan pizza recipes you can make at home. So grab your apron and prepare yourself for a delectable experience!

IV. Delectable Plant-Based Pizza Recipes

Making homemade vegan pizza can be a rewarding and creative experience. In this section, we'll give you some delicious plant-based recipes to try at home:

A. Vegan Almond Milk Dough


  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup almond milk
  • 1/4 cup olive oil


  1. Preheat your oven to 425degF.
  2. Prepare all other ingredients as directed on package for easy prep. Remove dough from freezer before beginning bake time.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt until thoroughly mixed.
  4. Stir in almond milk and olive oil until you have formed a dough ball.
  5. Roll onto a floured work surface and shape into a disk shape.
  6. Top the dough with your desired toppings, such as tomato sauce, vegan cheese, vegetables, or vegan meat substitutes.
  7. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the crust is golden brown and crisp.

B. Roasted Vegetable and Vegan Cheese Pizza


  • 1 prepared pizza crust
  • tomato sauce
  • 1/4 cup vegan shredded cheese of your choice
  • slice mushrooms to 1/4 inch thickness
  • dice eggplant to 1/4 inch dice zucchini to 1/4 inch
  • salt & pepper
  • olive oil to taste
  • fresh basil


  1. Preheat your oven to 425 degF before starting this recipe.
  2. Place the prepared pizza crust on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.



Finally, vegans can still enjoy pizza thanks to the many alternatives and vegan-friendly options available. Whether making it yourself at home, ordering from a vegan pizzeria, or customizing an order at non-vegan joints - vegan pizza is delicious and satisfying! We hope this article has provided all of the information necessary for making and finding vegan pizza; from veganizing the dough to finding the right toppings and customizing your order - vegan pizza offers exciting new possibilities for plant-based eaters! So next time you're craving pizza don't hesitate - try some of these delicious plant-based recipes we've shared here so that vegan pizza cravings become even sweeter!


John Karrigan

As an animal rights and vegan activist, I dedicate my time to raising awareness about the advantages of a plant-based lifestyle. Through my blog, I hope to motivate and educate others on why adopting a vegan diet is so beneficial for our planet, animals, as well as personal health.