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The Ultimate Vegan Survival Guide: Conquering the Most Challenging Countries for Vegans.
Travelling as a vegan can be an exhausting and challenging experience, particularly in foreign countries. Finding suitable vegan options can be complicated by numerous factors, from differing cultu...
The Truth About Eggs and B12 for Vegans
Vitamin B12, an essential nutrient, plays an integral part in our bodies' optimal functioning. It plays an integral part in producing DNA, red blood cells, and nerve signals - three critical proces...
The Low-Down on KFC Mayo: Is it Vegan-Friendly?
Vegan or plant-based lifestyle enthusiasts often face difficulty when considering KFC mayo's vegan status. Fast food industries, in general, can be treacherous terrain for vegans due to their use o...
Plant-Based Protein: How to Get 50g a Day on a Vegan Diet
Vegan lifestyle followers often face difficulty when it comes to getting enough protein in their diets, making attaining 50g per day an uncomplicated process. Building muscle or meeting daily requi...
The Vegan's Guide to Tequila: Is It Vegan-Friendly?
Tequila, a spiritous liquor from Mexico, is widely beloved by lovers around the globe. But its pursuit can present numerous obstacles--particularly for humane herbivores who prefer vegetarian-based...
Sipping on Sprite: The Vegan-Friendly Soft Drink
Many individuals around the globe enjoy indulging in Sprite, an immensely popular soft drink among masses. Thanks to its crispiness and refreshingly delightful taste, Sprite has quickly become a to...
About Me

As an animal rights and vegan activist, I dedicate my time to raising awareness about the advantages of a plant-based lifestyle. Through my blog, I hope to motivate and educate others on why adopting a vegan diet is so beneficial for our planet, animals, as well as personal health.